A Case Study for Change

Since 2009, the Success is Mandatory project has worked to give Camelback High School the edge its visionary principal needed to turn his school around.

Initially, this project was launched by the Phoenix chapter of Social Venture Partners which had been seeking a way to help in public education. That group departed after its normal 5-year involvement and a few of its members stayed on calling ourselves the Camelback High School Community Network.

This website provides some of the rich history of this effort in its first decade mainly to make a record of the various programs we launched or supported. Perhaps this history might be helpful to those supporting their community school.

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Camelback Today

A Model for Your Community

This site will serve as an ongoing case study of a successful school transformation project. Our hope is that schools and communities around the country will find inspiration, ideas and action steps to replicate and even improve upon the success of our partnership and program.

Read the Report

Read Camelback: A Model for Transformative Partnership to learn how Camelback High School has been transformed from a ‘failed school’ to ‘a school with promise.’

Make an Impact

It is easy to give a gift of any amount to help support the Camelback High School Scholarship Fund.

Join the Conversation

This website is a case study of a school transformation experience. The conclusion so far is that schools can benefit greatly from the time, talent and treasure of those in the local community.

Can the student outcome improvements generated at Camelback High School can be sustained and replicated? Or were the improvements only due to a unique synergy among this particular group of highly-motivated students, teachers, community leaders and an uninhibited principal?

Let's discuss.

Social Venture Partners Arizona


For inquiries about the Success is Mandatory program case study, Camelback High School or the Phoenix District, please email Kellie Burris: kburris@PhoenixUnion.org