peer tutoring program

  • Each student who is failing a class is required to attend 10 hours of tutoring for each class in which that student is having trouble. At inception of this program approximately 500 students were receiving tutoring at CBHS.
  • Tutoring is offered at various times: after school on weekdays and on Saturday mornings. All tutoring is provided in the school library. Each tutoring session is overseen by a lead tutor and one teacher or counselor.
  • A student arriving for tutoring at the library signs in using a form provided. Upon departing, the student gets a tutor or teacher to sign the card to certify that the student completed the hour(s) of tutoring during that session.
  • A typical tutoring session involves the student sitting alone doing his/her homework. The student tutors circulate among the students keeping an eye out for one who is having difficulty. At that point, the tutor provides the assistance required to get the student through that problem, issue, idea.
  • Most of the tutors are qualified to assist in all subjects. Each tutor must apply using a standardized form provided by the tutor program and provide two teacher references. The staff and lead tutors make the decisions about accepting a student as a tutor.
  • There are eight lead tutors and each one is supported by an assistant lead tutor. One lead tutor works exclusively with ELL students. Another lead tutor provides language classes for parents. Each lead tutor takes personal responsibility for the progress of three students in the program. Each tutor takes responsibility for the progress of one student
  • The United Way’s Destination Graduation program provides peer mentoring for struggling freshmen students.
  • Student tutors receive several benefits for their services including:
    • Tutors earn “community service hours” that will assist them in obtaining scholarships and developing their resumes.
    • Tutors have the opportunity to obtain community college credits for their tutoring efforts from Mesa Community College and can earn International Tutor Certification.
    • Tutors also receive club/sport credit for joining the Each One Teach One Tutoring Club.
    • Tutors have the experience of assisting their fellow students in being successful.
    • Tutors strengthen their own knowledge and skills in the subjects they tutor which will help them on their college entrance exams.
    • Tutors become primary drivers in the success of their school.

Peer Tutoring Contract

We’ve taken our case study name, Success is Mandatory, from the title of the peer tutoring program at Camelback High School.

Join the Conversation

This website is a case study of a school transformation experience. The conclusion so far is that schools can benefit greatly from the time, talent and treasure of those in the local community.

Can the student outcome improvements generated at Camelback High School can be sustained and replicated? Or were the improvements only due to a unique synergy among this particular group of highly-motivated students, teachers, community leaders and an uninhibited principal?

Let's discuss.

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For inquiries about the Success is Mandatory program case study, Camelback High School or the Phoenix District, please email Kellie Burris: